Springdale Parks and Recreation

The leading community where all residents come together through leisure to maximize their quality of life
1. Fulfillment providing activities that are fun, uplifting, promote self-worth, and create lasting memories
2. Unity bringing all people together through unique experiences for all activities 3. Variety delivering a wide range of opportunities that promote physical and mental health
4. Accessibility maintaining safe, affordable programs and facilities in proximity of all residents
5. Innovation creating cutting-edge programs and facilities
6. Character developing personal growth through teambuilding, education, sportsmanship, respect, and positive social interaction
7. Stewardship returning quality services through efficient and resourceful
The department's objective is to provide the residents of Springdale with detailed customer service with prompt, clear, and honest communication. To provide quality programming with proper equipment, quality uniforms, keeping events on time, offering use of proper practice facilities, providing participants with an accurate schedule, qualified coaches, trained/certified officials, staff members on hand at contests, and keeping parents informed through proper communication.
Overview of Community
Springdale has historically been an athletically rich and active community. With the presence of quality professional, collegiate, high school, middle school, and recreational programs. We have garnished regional and national attention for being the first recreation department in the region to offer girls fast pitch softball as well as being the home for Major League Baseball's AA affiliate of the Kansas City Royals. Beyond those attractions, Springdale Recreation offers a vast variety of indoor/outdoor activities such as baseball, slow pitch softball, soccer, basketball, golf, disc golf, mountain biking, and volleyball. Springdale is also proud to say that it offers those programs to people of all age, sex, and ability level.
With the help of strong youth programs, Springdale has long been able to field some of the best high school programs in the state of Arkansas. Through strong feeder programs such as the Springdale Parks and Recreation, several of its athletes have been able to continue in athletics well beyond high school.
In addition to its rich history of athletics and its outstanding athletes, the city of Sprindale is also known for its unique geographical region. Springdale is located in the center of the NW Arkansas region.
Nearing the Ozarks, the region is known for its beautiful landscape. The wonderful scenery has provided a beautiful and natural setting for outdoor activities. Taking advantage of this, Springdale is at the forefront of athletic facilities including Arvest Park (home to the MLB AA Naturals), the Springdale Aquatic Center, Randall Tyson Sports Complex, J.B. Hunt Park, C.L. "Charlie" and Willie George Sports Complex, Bobby Hooper Park, the Springdale Recreation Center, and much more.
Beyond the natural landscape of Springdale is a booming economy that has given so much back to the community. The economy has allowed thousands to participate in in recreational events as well as you will notice sponsorship of many of its parks and venues.
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/springdaleparksandrec
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Spr_ParksnRec
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/springdaleparksandrec/
Register here on this website under the "Programs" tab or you can register in person at the Springdale Recreation Center (1906 Cambridge). You may pay with check, card, or cash at the Recreation Center.
Refund Policy
Athletic Programs that take Individual registration
Full Refunds will be given for any reason one week after registration deadline. A 50% refund will be available up until the first official day of games. However, there will be no refunds of any kind after the initial game start date of the league. If the Department is forced to cancel the program, full refunds will be issued. Timelines for each sport may vary, but they are specified on registration receipts and in the sport manual posted online.
Medical conditions or life changing events can also qualify a participant for a refund, but they must be accompanied by supporting documentation. These requests for refunds must be reviewed by the Program Coordinator or Recreation Superintendent for final approval.
It is encouraged that any individual or group that has a concern, complaint, suggestion, or idea regarding any athletic program offered by the City of Springdale Parks and Recreation program to first address it with the Program Coordinator assigned to that sport or activity. If there is no satisfaction with the response from the Program Coordinator, then it is to be addressed to the Athletic Director. Any further resolution will come from the Parks and Recreation Director.
- To participate in communication with the coach with regards to practices, games, and attendance.
- To make sure your athlete is at the field, dressed and ready, at the appropriate time as determined by the coach.
- To remain in the spectator area during the game, not to interfere with team coaches, and accept that the official will adjudicate the game as best as they can.
- To communicate any tardiness or absence that your athlete might have from scheduled events.
- Learn league and sport rules. Knowing the rules and league regulations will cut down on speculation and unnecessary disgruntlement.
- To be supportive and respectful of all athletes, coaches, umpires/refs, and league officials. Please remember, without any one of these groups, your athlete would not have a league to participate in.
- Be positive with your athlete, at our games and as our practices. The main source of enjoyment in our leagues comes from the atmosphere provided my coaches, teammates, and spectators. A positive and supportive environment will create the most enjoyable atmosphere possible for our participants.
- Also, athletes preform at much higher level when they are confident. Negativity and over criticizing a player will hurt their confidence and promote poor performance.
- Please keep comments in the stand directed in support of your own team. No comments should be made against an opposing team, player, or coach.
- Please refrain from heckling umpires and referees. Without them we would not have a game. Also, they are human beings no matter what shirt they are wearing. Treating them in a disrespectful manner teaches our participants that being disrespectful to certain people is acceptable.
- When working and talking to your athlete, please focus on what they can do to get better. Building self-accountability in our athletes is much more important to their career then placing blame elsewhere.
- Please do not give excuses or complain about anything that might occur during the games around our participants. This type of behavior is contagious and takes away from our youth's positive outlook for the game. It also goes directly against the resilience and the "can do" attitude that we expect our coaches to instill in our participants.
- Have your athlete focus on what they can control during the games. Encouraging them not to focus on other teams, questionable calls, or things that are out of their control will help them improve.
- Please let the coaches coach their teams. Do not approach the bench, address the coach, or try to coach an athlete during the course of the game. Avoiding these actions allow our athletes to learn how to function within a team. It will also keep them focused on the game and not distracted by spectators who are not taking part in the game.
- If you have a question for the coach about your athlete, please schedule a time to meet with them and talk about it. This will allow them to give you the appropriate about of attention to address the issue.
- Poor or inappropriate conduct during our games can result in you being asked to leave the premises. Those bans can be for the remainder of the night, season, or permanently. No call, play, or game justifies acting in an inappropriate fashion. Inappropriate conduct that warrants removal from the premises includes but is not limited to the use of profanity, intimidating (coaches, players, opponents, umpires, spectators, or staff), having or being under the influence of controlled substances, verbal or physical abuse, or refusal to correct behavior if warned (by umpire, referee, or league official).
- We expect you to report any unethical treatment or unsportsmanlike conduct from coaches, umpires, or spectators to league management.
Expectations for Promoting Good Sportsmanship for Coaches
- Coaches should treat all players, coaches, and umpires involved in the league with respect. This should also be conveyed to their team as to how they speak about their opponents or officials.
- We expect our coaches to teach their teams how to deal with their successes and failures (including wins and losses) in a respectful manner.
- We should teach our players to succeed with dignity and not to show up other teams or player or to gloat/taunt their opponents.
- We should teach our players that hard work and resilience we have the opportunity to achieve more desired results in the future.
- We except coaches to be focused on internal factors of their team and to help their players to be more concerned with what they can control and not what others do. Coaches should encourage their players to focus on their actions and how they can improve themselves instead of focusing on the actions of others, that they can't control.
- Coaches provide an atmosphere that develops self-accountability. We do not wish to have an environment for our participants that points the blame at others, makes excuses for failures, or promotes giving up when things do not go favorable to them.
The single most important factor to our success as a league is the environment our coaches provide for our participants. The attitude of our youth participants is more reliant on the atmosphere a coach provides then there successes and failures. We expect our coaches to provide an environment that encourages players to work/play hard, not be afraid to fail, to keep trying if they don't succeed, and to respect their opponents. Such things like talking after games about the good things that happened and being positive in what we say around them will make for a better experience for those kids. When coaches place blame, complain, and get angry it provides a poor experience for those kids. So please, help us provide a positive overall experience for our participants no matter what the score of the game is, because after all it is still just a game. Please remember, this is about our youth.
Player Behavior Expectations
Policy is parallel to coach's policy as it relates to ejections and sportsmanship. Players are also subject to suspension or expulsion from the league if they are deemed to create an atmosphere that does not align with the Mission of the Springdale Recreation Department.
Springdale Parks & Recreation partners with Pagnozzi Charities to give children an opportunity to play at a discounted rate. In order to qualify for a scholarship through Pagnozzi Charities you must apply two weeks out before the end of registration. Visit their website http://pagnozzicharities.org/what-we-do/get-assistance.html to apply for a scholarship or learn more information about what they do.
With the help of sponsors and partners Springdale Parks & Recreation are able to provide a limited amount of scholarships. We encourage parents to apply through Pagnozzi Charities two weeks before registration closes due to the limited amount that we can offer. Please email the Program Coordinators to learn more information on how to apply for a scholarship through Springdale Parks & Recreation.
For outdoor athletic activities when the WGBT (Wet Globe Bulb Temperature) is between 73 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, it is recommended that players get a 5 minute break for every 30 minutes block of physical activity.
When the WGBT is between 81 degrees and 88 degrees Fahrenheit, it is recommended to give a 5 minute break every 20 minutes of physical activity. Cold water is suggested to reduce the body's core temperature.
When the WGBT is between 89 degrees to 92 degrees Fahrenheit, Practice should be shortened with low intensity activity. Water breaks should be given every 15 minutes and cold water and wet towels are suggested to be used to lower core body temperature.
Practices and Games will be cancelled when the WGBT temperature is above 93 degrees Fahrenheit.
It is suggested that parents assist in preventing heat related illnesses, by ensuring children drink 20 oz. of water 2 – 3 hours before practices or games and then 7 – 10 oz. of water or diluted sports drink 10 -20 minutes prior to practices or games. During practice, it is suggested that players drink 7 – 10 oz. of fluids at each break.
Drink enough fluids to replace any weight loss within two hours of the completion of practice or game.
Injury & Return-to-Play
Any player or coach injured while playing or practicing with their team at a City of Springdale Parks & Recreation Department facility must report any injuries requiring medical attention within 24 hours of the incident to the Program Coordinator or Recreation Superintendent. Any injured child that has seen a medical doctor for an injury incurred during a game or practice at a SPRD facility must have a medical clearance by physician to continue participation in practices and games. This information should be sent via email, fax, or hard copy to the Program Coordinator.
Any player suffering from or suspected a have concussion needs to seek immediate medical attention. They will not be allowed to practice or play any sports until they have been given a return-to-activity or clearance from a physician. The symptoms of concussion may include:
- Headache or a feeling of pressure in the head
- Temporary loss of consciousness
- Confusion or feeling as if in a fog
- Amnesia surrounding the traumatic event
- Dizziness or "seeing stars"
- Ringing in the ears
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Slurred speech
- Delayed response to questions
- Appearing dazed
- Fatigue
Some symptoms of concussions may be immediate or delayed in onset by hours or days after injury, such as:
- Concentration and memory complaints
- Irritability and other personality changes
- Sensitivity to light and noise
- Sleep disturbances
- Psychological adjustment problems and depression
- Disorders of taste and smell
Concussion symptoms in children
Head trauma is very common in young children. But concussions can be difficult to recognize in infants and toddlers because they may not be able to describe how they feel. Nonverbal clues of a concussion may include:
- Appearing dazed
- Listlessness and tiring easily
- Irritability and crankiness
- Loss of balance and unsteady walking
- Crying excessively
- Change in eating or sleeping patterns
- Lack of interest in favorite toys
Lightning is a major threat to athletes and other park participants. Many of our parks are struck by lightning during a thunderstorm. The lightning policy for athletics will be that play will be suspended for 30 minutes with every lightning strike within a 10 mile radius of the playing facility. The league supervisor or officals will delay games when it is unsafe to continue play. During this time all coaches, players, and spectators must retreat to their vehicles. No person will be allowed to stay on the field, in the dugout, or on the concourse (including bleachers) during this time. Play will resume when it is deemed safe by the Site Supervisor if time allows.
- Play may resume 30 minutes after the last recorded lightning strike.
- The start time of the following game must and will be taken into consideration.
- Any game which is halfway through the time limit will be counted as a completed if halted by weather.
- If a game is canceled before the halfway point it will resume at it a later date from the point it was halted.
No Springdale Parks and Recreation practice or game may begin if the outside temperature (not wind chill) is below 36 degrees..
The condition of the athletic fields will be determined by Parks Operations staff by 4 pm each day. Afterwards, decision to cancel, delay, or play will be made by the game officials or Recreation Superintendent. Email to coaches is our primary outreach. Secondary outreach is the SPRD's Facebook page.
Sport programs may be hampered by access to the playing facilities. We encourage all to drive safely when dense fog, freezing rain, sleet, or snowy conditions occur. We will reschedule programs if it is unsafe for the majority of our participants to attend.