Basketball Court 6



1). Rental reservations can be made Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with the Facilities Manager. All reservations must be made one (1) business day in advance.
2). Springdale Parks and Recreation reserves the right to reject any rental request without reason.
3). Reservations for indoor fields or courts may be made on a monthly basis. Tournament rentals, camps, rentals ending prior to 5pm, and larger recuring rentals of more than 1 hour per day are the exception to this rule and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. All Tournament Rentals are handled by the Facilities Manager.
4). Indoor rentals are a minimum of (1) hour. No rentals may go past 8:30 pm.
5). There is a 20% non-profit discount. Proof of EIN number or non-profit paperwork will be required to receive discount.
6). During peak hours (M-F from 6:00 pm – Close) there is a minimum usage of at least (5) people required for court rentals. Example: No rentals can be made for 1 on 1 instruction.
7). Renters and all participants/spectators of the event is only permitted access to the space within the Springdale Recreation Center during the specified and paid for time (with the exception of bathrooms). No extensions pre or post rental are permitted. If any participant or spectator is a member of the facility, they must check in with the front desk at the conclusion of the event to be granted access to the facility. All other people associated with the rental must leave the premises in a timely manner.
8). Springdale Parks and Recreation, the City of Springdale, Arkansas, and their representatives and successors are not liable for any injuries, damages, or death that may occur to anyone associated with a rental.
9). Springdale Parks and Recreation will only provide one piece of equipment to a rental (i.e. basketball or soccer ball). This only includes items that are already rentable to all members of the facility.
10). Rentals are subject to cancelation for Springdale Parks and Recreation activities or maintenance at any time. Refunds will be given in the case of this type of cancelation.
11). Adjustments or a refund can be made to the reservation up to 3 days before the rental without penalty. Any cancellation or adjustment made after this period will not receive any type of refund. Emergency cancelations will be taken into consideration on a case-by-case basis. Tournament, camp, and larger events rentals will be structured differently with a non-refundable deposit taken upon reservation.
12). No business may be run out of the Springdale Parks and Recreation Center Facilities. No person renting the facility for lessons or training may keep equipment in the facility, hold office within the facility, or use the Recreation Center as their only location for running a business.
13). Renters may not abuse the facility or equipment in any way. Fields, courts, and multipurpose rooms may only be used for their intended purpose. If you have questions about possible uses for the fields/courts/rooms, you must ask before starting the activity. Renters can and will be held accountable for any broken or damaged equipment during usage of the facility. This goes beyond normal wear and tear, but does include any incidents caused by reckless or unauthorized behavior.
14). Conduct within the rental must align with expected conduct for member facility usage. There may be no profanity, aggressive behavior, bullying, offensive action towards others, or creating an environment non-conducive to a family atmosphere. Any conduct infractions can result in penalties that could include expulsion from the facility, cancellation of rental, and loss of ability to reserve fields/courts in the future.
15). Serving food during rentals or tournaments is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Facility Manager.
16). There is no outside food/drink allowed with the following exceptions. Individual drinks (ie: individual coffee or person walking in drinking a bottled drink). Teams may bring in (1) team cooler for drinks and/or team snacks. Individuals or teams are not allowed to bring in outside food such as fast food or entire meals for the team or spectators. No coolers other than team coolers will be allowed.

I understand and have read the rules and regulations set by the Springdale Parks and Recreation Department. If at any time these rules or regulations are violated, I will be subject to eliminating my rental privileges in the future. Permission given to this applicant by the City of Springdale Parks and Recreation to use fields inside the City of Springdale, Arkansas, this applicant or attendees for this rental hereby agrees that the rented facilities are to be used and enjoyed at his/her own risk and agrees to save and hold harmless the City of Springdale, the Springdale Parks and Recreation Department, its employees, agents, and representatives.

Facility Type Indoor Fields / Courts
Address Line One 1906 Cambridge St
Address Line Two
City, State, Zip Code Springdale, AR 72762
Monday 07:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Tuesday 07:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Wednesday 07:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Thursday 07:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Friday 07:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Saturday 08:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM
